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DatePicker component requires additional dependancy of @internationalized/date to be installed.

We will be working on removing this additional dependancy in the future.

npm install --save @internationalized/date


import { DatePicker } from "@sparrowengg/twigs-react";


import { parseDate } from "@internationalized/date";

function App() {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(parseDate("2023-07-24"));

return (
<DatePicker value={value} onChange={setValue} label="Enter date of birth" />


valueselected value range@internationalized/date Date
minValueminimum selectable date value. Dates beyond this value will be disabled@internationalized/date Date
maxValuemaximum selectable date value. Dates beyond this value will be disabled@internationalized/date Date
isDisabledDisable the calendar componentbooleanfalse
onChangeCallback function when date is selectedfunction
isOpenopen the calendar popoverbooleanfalse
closeOnSelectClose datepicker on selecting a datebooleanfalse
enablePortalCalendar popover will render in bodybooleanfalse
portalTargetRender Calendar Popover in specific elementElementfalse
onDaySelectCallback function when day is selected(date: DateValue) => void
onMonthSelectCallback function when month is selected(date: DateValue) => void
onYearSelectCallback function when year is selected(date: DateValue) => void
showFooterShow footer with action buttonbooleantrue
footerActionAction to be performed on footer button click(state: CalendarState) => void
footerActionTextText to be displayed on footer buttonstring"Select"
renderFooterCustom footer component(state: CalendarState) => ReactNode
containerCSSCustom CSS for the container elementCSS
calendarContainerCSSCustom CSS for the calendar container elementCSS
popoverContentPropsAdditional props to be passed to the popover content componentPopoverContentProps