FormHelperText can be used for providing additional context to your input fields.
import { Stepper } from "@sparrowengg/twigs-react";
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<Stepper activeStep={0}> <StepperItem label="Registration">Step 1</StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Account settings">Step 2</StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Confirm">Step 3</StepperItem> </Stepper>
Navigating between steps
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function App() { const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = React.useState(0); const nextStep = () => setActiveStep((current) => (current < 2 ? current + 1 : current)); const prevStep = () => setActiveStep((current) => (current > 0 ? current - 1 : current)); return ( <> <Stepper activeStep={activeStep} onChange={setActiveStep} > <StepperItem label="Registration">Step 1</StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Account settings">Step 2</StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Confirm">Step 3</StepperItem> </Stepper> <Flex alignItems="center" gap="$4" > <Button onClick={prevStep}> Previous </Button> <Button onClick={nextStep}> Next </Button> </Flex> </> ) }
Custom components
provides a components
prop, which allows you to configure the looks of your Stepper.
Stepper is divided into 3 parts.
- Container, which wraps arounds the complete Stepper.
- Step, each stage of your Stepper.
- Separator, an element that adds a visual separator between your steps.
You can pass JSX Elements to each of the above 3 props to modify the looks of your Stepper.
Below is an example of customized Stepper.
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function App () { const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = React.useState(0); const nextStep = () => setActiveStep((current) => (current < 2 ? current + 1 : current)); const prevStep = () => setActiveStep((current) => (current > 0 ? current - 1 : current)); function renderCustomSeparator() { return ( <svg xmlns="" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M438.6 278.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3l-160-160c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L338.8 224 32 224c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32l306.7 0L233.4 393.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0l160-160z"/></svg> ) } return ( <> <Stepper activeStep={activeStep} components={{ Container: ({ children }) => ( <Flex gap={6} alignItems="center" css={{ backgroundColor: '$highlight100', padding: '$4' }} > {children} </Flex> ), Separator: () => renderCustomSeparator(), Step: ({ children, active, completed, position }) => ( <Button color={active ? 'primary' : completed ? 'ghost' : 'default'} onClick={() => setActiveStep(position)} > {children} </Button> ) }} > <StepperItem label="Step 1" allowClick css={{ padding: '$4' }} > Steps 1 </StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Step 2" css={{ padding: '$4' }} > Step 2 </StepperItem> <StepperItem label="Step 3" css={{ padding: '$4' }} > Step 3 </StepperItem> </Stepper> <Flex alignItems="center" gap="$4" > <Button onClick={prevStep} variant="outline"> Previous </Button> <Button onClick={nextStep} variant="outline"> Next </Button> </Flex> </> ); }
Property | Description | Type | Default |
activeStep | Visible stepper item | number | 0 |
onChange | Change step function | function | |
components | Custom Elements for Stepper | Object |
Property | Description | Type | Default |
label | Step text | string | |
allowClick | Navigate to tab by clicking on it |