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Base Dropdown

The base dropdown is a component that can be used to create suggestion boxes inside the editor that are triggered by certain letters or phrases. The Mentions plugin and Hashtag plugin are built on top of this component.



triggerFunction: (text: string) => MenuTextMatch | null;

MenuTextMatch is an object with the following properties:

type MenuTextMatch = {
leadOffset: number;
matchingString: string;
replaceableString: string;

This function is used to trigger the dropdown. It receives the text that the user has typed and should return an object with the leadOffset, matchingString, and replaceableString properties. The leadOffset is the number of characters that the dropdown should be placed before the cursor. The matchingString is the string that the dropdown should match against. The replaceableString is the string that should be replaced when the user selects an item from the dropdown. If null is returned, the dropdown will not be triggered.


getResults: (text: string | null) => Promise<TypeaheadMenuData[]> | TypeaheadMenuData[];

TypeaheadMenuData is an object with the following properties:

type TypeaheadMenuData = {
value: string;
label: string;
[x: string]: unknown;

This functions is called after the dropdown is opened to get the results that should be displayed. It receives the matchingString from the triggerFunction as an argument. It should return an array of objects with the value and label properties. If the results are already available, you can return them directly. If the results are fetched asynchronously, you can return a promise that resolves to the results.


$createNode?: (data: TypeaheadOption) => TextNode;

TypeaheadOption is an object with the following properties:

class TypeaheadOption {
key: string;
ref?: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;
data: TypeaheadMenuData;
constructor(key: string);
setRefElement(element: HTMLElement | null): void;

This function is used to create a node when an item is selected from the dropdown. It receives a TypeaheadOption object as an argument and should return a class that extends TextNode that will be inserted into the editor.


renderMenu?: (args: {
anchorElementRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;
selectedIndex: number | null;
selectOptionAndCleanUp: (option: TypeaheadOption) => void;
setHighlightedIndex: (index: number) => void;
menuOptions: TypeaheadOption[];
}) => ReactPortal | React.JSX.Element | null;

Used to render a custom dropdown menu. If this prop is not provided, the default dropdown menu will be rendered. It receives an object with the following properties:

  • anchorElementRef: A ref to the element that the dropdown should be anchored to. When using React portal, you should pass this ref to the portal target.
  • selectedIndex: The index of the currently selected item in the dropdown.
  • selectOptionAndCleanUp: A function that should be called when an item is selected from the dropdown. It receives a TypeaheadOption object as an argument.
  • setHighlightedIndex: A function that should be called when an item is hovered over in the dropdown. It receives the index of the hovered item as an argument.
  • menuOptions: An array of TypeaheadOption objects that should be rendered in the dropdown.


renderMenuItemContent?: (props: {
index: number;
isSelected: boolean;
option: TypeaheadOption;
}) => ReactNode;

Used to render custom content for each item in the dropdown. It receives an object with the following properties:

  • index: The index of the item in the dropdown.
  • isSelected: A boolean indicating whether the item is currently selected.
  • option: The TypeaheadOption object that should be rendered.

Note that this prop is only used when the renderMenu prop is not provided.


onMenuItemSelect?: (option: TypeaheadOption, closeMenu?: () => void) => void | boolean;

A function that is called when an item is selected from the dropdown. It receives a TypeaheadOption object as an argument. If this function returns true, the default actions such as inserting the selected item into the editor and closing the dropdown will be prevented. You can use this function to implement custom behavior when an item is selected.